Spiritual Rituals

Personal, Seasonal and Goddess-Inspired

For Individuals and Moon Circles

Connecticut celebrant and ritual leader Zita Christian

Ready to live a magical life? 

  • Learn the essence of ritual
  • Align your life with the cycles of nature
  • Discover your mythic message

What is a ritual?

  • a VISIBLE act
  • performed with INVISIBLE intent

When we think "ritual" we often think of rites of passage.

Connecticut celebrant Zita Christian with baby blessing ritual nest and owl stones

When and why to use a ritual?

  • Infuse your day with intention.
  • Begin a project.
  • Launch a business.
  • Get married.
  • Welcome a baby.
  • Navigate the emotional tide of divorce or loss
  • Mourn the death of a loved one
  • Heal with self-care rituals.
  • Celebrate the seasons, the cycles of nature, the fullness of the moon.
  • Honor the goddess of your ancestors.
  • Invoke the wisdom of the sacred.
  • Claim the power of your age.

I've got rituals for all these and more. Let me share them with you.

What can a spiritual ritual do for you?


  • Rituals can give you a container for your feelings,
  • connect you to community, and perhaps most important of all,
  • provide real meaning for the events in your life


Ritual - Imbolc Brigid's Healing Well_1566


Handmade gifts and items for weddings, birthdays, baby blessings, house warmings, moon circles, and more.

All made with magic in mind!

Moon River Rituals Logo Square Cropped

The Ritual Writer

Two hands scoop colorfully wrapped chocolates from a pretty bowl

Bowls of Abundance: A Spiritual Ritual for a Moon Circle

For many years, I led a women’s moon circle in...
Assorted votive candles

Our Need for Spiritual Rituals

In the summer between the third and fourth grades, I...

Ritual: Maiden, Mother, Crone

Every Maiden isn’t young.   Every Mother doesn’t have a child.  ...

>> See the full archive

My Podcasts

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Ritual Recipes

Celebrations for the cycles of nature and the moments and milestones of life.


My Spouse Has Dementia

Personal stories and interviews to help family dementia caregivers survive.

The Ritual Writer

Subscribe today to start your ritual journey. In exchange for your email, you’ll receive my occasional newsletter with personal musings and ideas for rituals. I’ll also let you know when I’ve got new items ready for the Moon River Rituals boutique. Join me!