
A pewter bowl filled with water and fairy lights for a Summer Solstice ritual

A Summer Solstice Ritual Inspired by My Dying Husband

  My husband died two years ago. He had Alzheimer’s. We had been married for 41 years. I cared for him at home until the end. Ours was what family and friends called a fairy tale marriage. Odd as it might sound at first, his dementia journey and my experience as his caregiver inspired the […]

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a bowl of assorted encouraging words on colorful cards

Ritual: Soup to Heal the World

All over the world, relationships are nourished with food.I created a ritual to provide virtual nourishment. My inspiration? Spiritual activist Caroline Casey who says, “Imagination lays the tracks for the reality train to follow.”    All aboard!   Parliament of the World’s Religions   Do you want to help the world? Look for hope. I […]

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A wooden spoon with an owl design rests on the edge of a pot of soup. The spoon is part of a spiritual ritual.

Spirit Spoons: Your Magic Wands 

Follow the Sun Did you use a spoon to stir your coffee or tea this morning? Did you feel a sense of power?    From at least the 1700s, ancient cultures in Europe, and I suspect elsewhere, too, considered clockwise movement to be the movement of the sun. Since the sun was seen as the […]

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Two hands scoop colorfully wrapped chocolates from a pretty bowl

Bowls of Abundance: A Spiritual Ritual for a Moon Circle

For many years, I led a women’s moon circle in my home. Our purpose was to:  Celebrate the seasons the way our ancestors did Align our spirits with the cycles of nature  Honor the Divine Feminine    We met once a month on or near the full moon. There were four of us. We came […]

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Ritual: Maiden, Mother, Crone

Every Maiden isn’t young.   Every Mother doesn’t have a child.   Every Crone isn’t old.     Ritual for a Group Several years ago, I created a ritual for hundreds of women writers who’d come from all over the world for a week-long conference held on a college campus.  The ritual was to honor their stories, those […]

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Winter Solstice altar of evergreens, white birch logs, and assorted candles

Ritual: Winter Solstice Messages from the Trees

It’s mid-December. The trees are bare, the ground frozen. Daylight disappears around 4 pm. Here in the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice marks the longest night of the year. Festivities celebrate the promise that the Sun, with its life-giving warmth, is making its way back to us. With the season of snow, sleet and ice is […]

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