My Spouse Has Dementia

A pewter bowl filled with water and fairy lights for a Summer Solstice ritual

A Summer Solstice Ritual Inspired by My Dying Husband

  My husband died two years ago. He had Alzheimer’s. We had been married for 41 years. I cared for him at home until the end. Ours was what family and friends called a fairy tale marriage. Odd as it might sound at first, his dementia journey and my experience as his caregiver inspired the […]

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The Dilemma of Dementia and Driving: Taking away the keys?

Your spouse has Alzheimer’s. You know he – or she – shouldn’t be driving. When you bring up the subject, you hear some version of, “That’s ridiculous! I know how to drive a car.” He might be right. He might still know how to drive a car. The problem is that he shouldn’t be driving […]

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“I Didn’t See It Coming” – Interview with LBD caregiver Mary Lou Falcone

Mary Lou Falcone became a caregiver when her father had a massive stroke. She was 10 years old. The experience prepared her for the day, many years later, when her husband, illustrator and 1950s rocker Nicky Zann, was diagnosed with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD). In her memoir, I Didn’t See It Coming: Scenes of Love, […]

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Episode 14: My First Holiday Season Alone

My husband died last summer. He had Alzheimer’s. I’ve experienced a lot of “firsts” without him: his birthday, my birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and most recently, Valentine’s Day. Some of those days passed without incident. Others…not so much. It’s March. I survived the first holiday season alone. I know there is no end-point […]

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